What is Tantra Massage?

Tantric massage is a style of massage or bodywork that draws on the principles of tantra, an ancient spiritual practice originating in Central and Southeast Asia. In most modern-day practice in the West, tantric massage involves massaging and stimulating the full body with particular focus on sensitive areas like the bio energetic reflexology. It's sometimes referred to as simply an reflexology massage, although a tantra massage also incorporates breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness elements and is not necessarily sacral chakra. Tantric massage also has a spiritual and energetic component, wherein the practitioner or giver helps move the receiver's energy throughout the body to promote inner healing.

"Unlike other forms of massage, this sacred practice incorporates the tantric essence of shakti, or energy, "When skillfully incorporating this universal force into a massage, it can touch the deepest layers and aspects of a human being and be a profound instrument of spiritual and emotional healing."

What happens during a tantra massage

What happens during a tantra massage offered at a massage studio or spa center will vary greatly depending on the facility. In general, tantric massage involves massaging and stimulating a person's full body, including genitalia, while doing breathwork, meditation, and other spiritual practices or energy work.Tantric massage can also be practiced at home with a partner and can be a way to introduce a slower, more intentional, and more intimate form of sacral chakra into a couple's sacral life.

People can feel intense orgasm during a tantra massage, though it's not the goal., Tantric massage is more about leaning into pleasure, releasing energetic blocks and tension, and connecting spiritually with another person. Self Satisfaction is not only part of a tantra massage, though tantra massage can be incorporated into a tantric sacral chakra experience between a couple.

How to give a tantric massage

Before attempting to give a tantric massage, it's helpful to learn a little bit about tantric principles general, as it'll ensure you're approaching the experience from a perspective of sacred connection and intentional pleasure.

These are the most essential elements of a tantra massage :

For the recipient, being able to receive pleasure without feeling compelled to reciprocate.

For the giver, being willing to provide pleasure without the need of the same in return.

For the giver, learning to read the partner's body language and understanding the importance of touch.

For both, forgetting about time.

Each partner having a strong desire to please the other.

Strong personal hygiene in preparation for the experience.

Tantra Massage Benefits

Tantric massage is a blissfully stimulating experience that every man and woman should enjoy. Not only does it feel good, there are many benefits associated with the ancient practice of tantra that are more keenly felt with regular use.

Here are the top seven reasons why you should indulge in a regular tantric massage :

Higher Spriritual Consciousness

Tantra massage certainly and mystically develop slowly and gradually a sacred way of spiritual awakening through incorporating key changing habits of mind, body and soul level.

Tantra massage not only make a person happier but free themselves from karmic issues, make them more glorious, more sophisticated, energized and benefitted from all the spiritual aspects of life.

Improve Your Physical Health

Tantric massage begins with an all-over body massage. It’s well known that massage brings huge benefits to the body such as:

Stimulation of the lymphatic systems to drain away toxins

Easing muscle pains connective tissue aches

Relaxing a tense body

Reducing pain

Tantric pleasure that results in release reduces blood pressure for men and women and in men regular ejaculation clears the prostate gland from a buildup of fluids. Using foam rollers as part of pain management can relieve any associated pain. This can be achieved through prostate massage too.

Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is important and tantric pleasures de-stress even the most anxious person. This is because the pleasure hormone dopamine and the happiness hormone oxytocin are released via physical touch from another person. Touch is also a great anxiety reliever – from hugs to massage we all feel better after loving contact.

On a regular basis tantric massage de- stresses the mind to encourage sleep, fight insomnia, depression and the anxieties of busy life. When you are less stressed you perform better at work and at home. Your emotional well-being is extremely important to your health and men in particular often neglect it. Regular de-stressing tantric massage leads to relaxation and greater happiness.

Have you ever asked yourself the question, what is jing? If not you might be surprised to hear how this type of energy affects how you feel.

It’s Enjoyable

Everyone needs something to enjoy, whether it’s a hobby, holiday or a soothing tantric massage. Booking a regular tantric massage means there’s something to look forward to. Thinking about the pleasure you’ll receive boosts your mood. Then there’s the exciting anticipation of travelling or waiting for the doorbell, followed by your blissful tantric massage.

When it’s over you’ll feel re-charged, happy and relaxed with the knowledge you’ll be doing it again soon. Regular massage also gives you the chance to know your masseuse which can make a massage more pleasurable. Trusting someone to place their hands all over your body takes time, and with regular meetings you’ll instantly relax and enjoy their company.

A Better Healthy Life

Tantric massage can help you understand your body through touch. Some men find parts of them awakened that they never knew existed, and giving up control of your body is exhilarating. As you learn about your body’s reaction you’ll learn about your sacral chakra .

Learning how to touch and be touched can improve your sacral life at home. Massage, positioning and understanding how the process of undressing and touching is just as pleasurable as the ending, can help you out of a domestic rut.

Improve Your Confidence

Men and women who have difficulties with touch and sacral chakra expression can find regular tantric massage helps them enormously. Premature ejaculation can be brought under control though breathing and regular sensual massage. Once you have the confidence to undress and place your body in another person’s hands, your confidence in the bedroom will improve.

Confidence in the bedroom leads to confidence in all aspects of your life. Self- esteem is essential, without it we think less of ourselves and don’t achieve what we are capable of. Tantric massage can seriously boost your self-esteem.

The physical and mental health benefits of tantric massage are surely reason enough to enjoy them regularly. Think of it as a reward for working hard and a way to stay fit, healthy and de-stressed in a busy world.
