About Divine Tantra


Concept of Tantra

Tantra refers to both the philosophy and set of spiritual practices that emerged in India around the 6th Century, focused on the direction and manipulation of universal energy as a means of liberation.

Tantra is a life-embracing philosophy, loosely defined as a path to liberation. It consists of a wide variety of practices, many of which transgressed the social and religious boundaries of the time in which Tantra emerged.

The Tantric worldview sees all material reality as animated by divine feminine energy known as Shakti. Tantric goddess worship challenges the traditional roles of women, representing femininity as erotic and powerful.

According to Tantra, an individual's source of Shakti lies dormant in the base of their spine as kundalini. Often likened to a serpent, kundalini is connected to a network of energy channels known as nadis and energy centers called chakras.

Awakening kundalini energy is the primary goal of most Tantric practices, including pranayama, mudras, mantras, meditation, and other yogic purification practices. These rituals aim to expand consciousness and liberate the practitioner from the physical level of existence.

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Our Vision

To provide the highest quality of massage, service, and an environment that respects your privacy while creating a space where you can relax and rejuvenate.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help you discover your true self and your true life purpose, so you can be happier, healthier and more centered in body, mind and spirit.

Our Goal

Our goal is to achieve a happy balance between massage's physical and spiritual benefits by providing a space that promotes enlightenment, healing, and fun.